
Reflection 1: Using CALL in BENL Course

Assalamualaikum ! :)

Courtesy of call.canil.ca

Reflect on your experience in BENL course that you have taken.
Almost all of BENL courses require the students as well as the lecturers to use computers to complete the process of learning and teaching. This shows us that the use of computers to assist language learning is very imperative.
The integration of electronic technology can be manifested as a medium to achieve the benefits in language learning. For example, in learning Sociolinguistics, the use of computers can be seen as an assisting tool by the lecturer. The lecturer made use of computer to provide and show the students the prepared slides. Related pictures and videos were also presented to disseminate information. Instead of having pen and paper based class, computer changes the scenario of learning by the students. Computer is used together with the explanation by the lecturer.

Think of the assignments that require you to apply the computer to assist in the completion.
The assignments of this course require students to be in groups of four. Two assignments were required to be completed. The first assignment requires students to prepare a slideshow for Sociolinguistics sub topic presentation in class. The second assignment requires the students to analyze recorded speech in real-life situations. The analysis of the speech was based on the framework of specific sub-topic. Both the assignments require students to use computer to gain access to online sources such as YouTube videos and related articles on the subject. This helps students to complete their assignments with relevant materials provided.

Relate the 3 stages of CALL & name the key concepts associated to the assignments.
Throughout the process of collecting and gathering the information in the assignments, students use all the sources retrieved by using the computers. Hence, the computer acts as a teacher by providing all the required information.

This proves that by implementing CALL, we could see that it further assists the role of teacher in enhancing the effectiveness of teaching methodology.

Not only that, as the era of technology advances, it should be clear for us to utilize the uses of the computer and what is has to offer us. It means that the mind ('aqal') bestowed by Allah, and the product of it should be beneficial to all human being. However, one must not totally abandon the traditional methods of teaching as it was all derived from human's production of mind as well.  In a nutshell, it is best to integrate this discussion of CALL with the saying of Rasulullah's companion, Umar Ibn Khattab:-
"Teach your children with the era they live in.”

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